An independent gathering of arts organisations and practitioners delivering cultural programmes in Bristol.
About the network
We meet regularly to advocate for the sector and to discuss and inform policy, as well as forming working groups in response to specific issues and to develop shared activity. This thinking feeds directly into the wider cultural conversations happening in the city through the City Office’s Culture Board.
The group’s members work across different scales and different artforms; some specialise in participatory opportunities, others seek out an audience; some charge, some don’t; and some provide complex programmes that sit across a number of strands.
Together, we are committed to the successful future of our city, and the creativity of both Bristol and Bristolians.
Bristol Culture Network members include Bristol Old Vic, Watershed, Knowle West Media Centre, Artspace Lifespace, Field Art Projects, Circomedia, MAYK, Bristol Beacon, Paraorchestra, Trinity Centre, and many others including independent artists.
If you are an independent artist, practitioner or smaller organisation unable to attend a meeting, you can share ideas, views and concerns with us via MAYK, who help to administer the group, or one of the members.
Yes! The network is for anyone involved in making or creating arts and cultural activity in the city. Sign up to the mailing list below to join.
The Culture Board is made up of representatives from the city’s cultural organisations and networks, and exists to ensure Bristol’s cultural and creative sector is a key driver in delivering the aims of the One City Approach and the One City Plan goals. Bristol Culture Network Chair Matthew Austin sits on the Culture Board to represent the network. You can read more about the Culture Board and read previous minutes from meetings here.
The Cultural Leaders Group was set up during the Covid-19 pandemic as a regular meeting to enable organisations share information and learning. Since then the group has continued to meet, and now meets every other week on a Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon. The Cultural Leaders Group is for anyone who runs a cultural organisation in the city, regardless of whether it receives regular funding or not and members form part of the Bristol Culture Network. View members
The network has two regular social events per year which are open to all.
The Bristol Culture Network is an independent group of organisations large and small, funded and unfunded. It is currently chaired by Matthew Austin, Co-Director of MAYK
Yes, it’s absolutely free to join the network
Sign up to the mailing list below